The Importance of Cuticle Care
The cuticle is more than just a waxy layer covering fruits, leaves stems and roots. It’s a plant’s first layer of defense against environmental stressors, insects and pathogens. When you protect and strengthen the cuticle, you’re optimizing plant health and your bottom line.
Superior Cuticle Care
Starts With Parka
Parka is the only proven plant health solution that enhances the fruit and leaf cuticle, providing season-long protection against environmental stressors to help you maximize your marketable yield.
A Clear Choice for Maximizing
Marketable Yields
Parka is a residue-free plant health solution powered by SureSeal™ technology that uses three modes of action to create a protective barrier, encourages the production of antioxidants and improves photosynthesis. It’s the clear choice for naturally maximizing the value and quality of crops.
Explore How Parka Performs on a Variety of Crops
Primary uses for Parka include cherries, citrus, apples and pears. It is also proven effective on a growing number of crops including blueberries, grapes, nuts, peppers, tomatoes and strawberries, as well as new plantings.
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Have Questions?
Send us a message to get answers about Parka. Be sure to ask your retailer about how to include it in your program.